Saturday, January 29, 2011


I am a man who enjoys his vices. I know as a christian I’m suppose to abstain from such carnal activities and in the grand scheme of things, the wickedness I indulge is far from what most would consider evil. To me it is a mystery that many people will dismiss every word from my mouth just because I smoke and drink (not heavily mind you). It’s as if the moment my corruption is discovered any moral standing I have is lost like a pebble swallowed by a rapid water. My vices cause no ill against man nor inspire any unnatural lust; so it still amazes me that when some people discover my taste for beer and tobacco that i am judged unfairly for these transgressions. As aggravated as I may become, I fear that I am guilty of the same sin.

It seems that we humans tend to down play our own depravity and exalt the sins of others. This is of course done in an effort to vindicate ourselves. I have never like the idea of free grace; it is at times an issue that keeps me firmly rooted to the life of a transgressor instead of living a life of a forgiven son of God. I don't like charity unless I’m the one given it. I like to earn my own way and pay my own debts. Of course living this way in dealing with faith will earn me no favor or good standing with our heavenly Father. The idea of the blood of Jesus is great in theory but putting it into practice is far more difficult. On this subject I do not stand alone; people will spend the all their lives trying to be a good person when, as Mark 7 says, our hearts are corrupt to the very center and we alone can do nothing good. You see the very thing I try to avoid is in fact the very thing, the only thing I need. Charity done in the pursuit of self vindication is a blemish on our souls and serves no purpose. This and all other vices I have acquired unites me with man kind.